Be a Slave to the Cabal!

Slavery is comfortable and I like comfort. Did I get your attention? You couldn’t be a slave, you might be thinking, because you are enjoying the modern tech life, plenty of money and food, buying anything you want and not what you need, and feel security knowing the Government will protect and save you, right? Oops, you’re locked down, wearing a mask, 6 feet apart, and going broke. I remind you of historical accuracy predicters nearly a century ago letting you know what led up to the Great Depression (similar depth and magnitude as the one George Bush Jr. plunged the US into), how economists and scientists worked together to find out how to climb out of it, and how forces (later to be known as Technocracy, Empire, or Cabal is actually controlling our global money supply and humankind beliefs. Aldous Huxley, Brave New World, Edward Bernay, Propaganda, and George Orwell, 1984, accurately described the past and current times in the early 1900’s and that the stranglehold of the Rothschild/Rockefeller shadow Empire would one day escalate to totalitarian absolute dominance. Experts at the psychology of self identification, power of subconscious beliefs, and turning lies into truths, the shadow Empire starting with Amschel Rothschild in the early 1800’s was a burgeoning net of government, media, entertainment, and social engineering domination. Manipulation of the psychology of learning or brainwashing, without anyone noticing slowly over the decades trained us(like the Circus dogs taught to jump through hoops and standing on their back legs begging for treats while wearing colorful costumes) has molded us into happy comfortable slaves comfortably believing to bicker amongst ourselves, arguing about religions, appearance, cultural rituals, apparel, and cuisine, and to never question authority comfortably accepting injustice as normal and the definition of freedom. Can you see the power of propaganda, which is inculcated or repetition learning, often lies made to sound like truth, hyped up with high emotion and how cults are formed? You are a cult member, don’t even know it, carry on as the happy slave and don’t know it, with this cult called humankind. Think on this because if I am wrong, prove it! 

The propaganda social engineering technique is how to gather curious people looking for answers that they think will complete them and to implant loyalty to the one preaching the esoteric unity message. Remember Genghis Kahn, Alexander of Macedonia, Zerkses, Julius Caesar, Jesus, Mohamed (Mohamed Ali included), George Washington, Shaka Zulu, Hitler, FDR, the Kennedy’s, Stalin, Luciano and Capone, and former immigrant Dtrumpf family Americanized to Trump? All preached and acted on their messages and what we accept as truth making us dependent on the accuracy of the reporting. 

Charles Manson distinguished himself inside the sixties Flower power, free love, anti-Capitalism herd devotion belief trope as a successful cult organizer he called, the Family. An experienced Pimp and expert at the psychology of identifying loneliness in others and their desire to be wanted and accepted in a group, he exploited those desires to his psychopathic whims by deceiving societal outcasts in believing that he was a life and love Guru and that joining his Family will meet their needs. This attention and making these outcasts searchers feel wanted and welcomed, increased their loyalty to him and ramping their want to please and serve him. Career murderer and thief, Whitey Bulger, like Manson, was also a master in psychology by quickly finding out one’s weaknesses and exploiting them for his benefit. Lots of money was stolen, many killed, with the remorseless thieving killer con man going about what he did best. What do Manson, Bulger, and the Cabal have in common? They all use propaganda, lies, and misinformation emotionalized and spun craftily to make you believe that they are there to help you, that you are welcome and doing the right thing by following their rules, that you get rewarded by being part of the group, and that telling the truth, exposing lies and corruption will meet with crushing opposition, branding you as conspiracy wierdo and enemy against the State or villain trying to destroy the cult called humankind. Truth telling therefore, becomes labelled as lies, censored by the Social Medias, sock puppet politicians and elected officials railing against them, and the Cabal steadily tightening the economic and socially engineered noose of your enslaved existence. 

John D. Rockefeller the psychopathic genius behind Standard Oil which was broken up by the Courts as an illegal monopoly, rebranded himself as a kindly old man, handing out dimes to the public, while creating the Pharmaceutical industry, pill for an ill medicine whether needed or not, later to be called, Western Medicine. He needed a sales force to sell the drugs some call medicine, drugs nonetheless, and financed medical schools effectively changing their education content, turning doctors into drug sellers. The focus now was what is called allopathic medicine, or treating a symptom with a single drug, not caring, and ignoring the root causes for the symptom and uninterested in curing it. If the pill didn’t work, then a different one was prescribed with more and more recommended with the doctor uninterested and unknowing how these drugs interacted and that these foreign substances cannot be digested, cause inflammation, intestinal disturbance, silently speeding immune and organ failure and early death, and not curing the ailment. Ever the astute businessman driven by his bullying and intimidation tactics that made Standard Oil a massive monopoly, he used the same strategy to build the Pharmaceutical cartel, 1.2 trillion dollars, but this fakery ruse named the Rockefeller Foundation, a nonprofit the public was deceived into believing that would better their health was only a Trojan Horse for his greed and this time rebranding himself as a proponent of society. Is John D. any different from Pablo Escobar or Juan Guzman El Chapo? Let us come current and what other Billionaire has copied the Rockefeller rebranding strategy and fooling the public that he cares about them, pretending to be a Humanitarian and Philanthropist, proclaiming to be the expert global Public Health Czar, and promoting drugs(this time the toxic chemical cocktail called vaccines) to save society from common illnesses robust immune systems vanquish routinely? Yes it is the computer software guy, Bill Gates and his nonprofit, the Bill, and Melinda Gates Foundation. 

To date the only nonprofit to be banned from India, Bully Bill Gates and the Gates Gang foundation fooled local East Indian officials to let him legally inject the poorest with his toxic vaccines without informing them about the many serious and permanent impairments that comes with the poisonous chemicals. The catastrophic disaster was that 496,000 children have been felled by flaccid paralysis. His forcing his vaccines on them has caused a half million kids to becoming paralyzed. Shouldn’t he be put in jail along with his criminal gang pushing toxic vaccines onto innocent people without informed consent, and permanently injuring them? From the Rockefeller playbook of rebranding using modern medicine as the Trojan Horse to gain entry into your confidence, Bully Bill is intent on pressuring the federal government and Silly Putty spined President to mandate the toxic chemical cocktails to be injected in you knowing that these chemicals will make you sick. Bully Bill has financial interest in every vaccine company on Earth and benefiting financially by placing the profits in his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Trust, where he doesn’t have to pay taxes. Curious isn’t that a nonprofit can double in wealth from 200 billion to over 400 billion? I let you know about a few of the famous rich and the two especially who use the medical industrial complex to peddle their drugs and which we have been generationally brainwashed into believing that is meant to keep us healthy. For both Rocke and Bully Bill they chose the medicine vehicle to prey on innocent people wanting to get healthy. 

Enter the microbe Corona and until recently known as a family of 150 viruses, 2 known to produce colds, 7 which cause more serious Lung infections, and 3 of the 7 that cause more severe symptoms. Since 1998, as reported by triple Board certified, Dr. Zach Bush, 12,800 new viruses have come in contact with us, so this actually means 12,800 pandemics, an expected and normal rhythm, what our bodies need to keep building resiliency, and what the Source of all things had planned so human animals can physically thrive. The bigger picture is that the top 1% Empire headed by the celebrity excessively rich, Bully Bill and his gang, Medical and Military cartels, the Telecom and Biocide giants , newly minted Biotech giants or vaccine makers, create the one sided narrative, censor truth, and use fear and poverty to gain further control over what we think, feel, and do. It was years of continual passivity conditioning and learning that ignorance fed by a one sided narrative and shoved down our throats by the news channels and now the Social medias, and constructed by the Illuminati or shadow Corporate Elite, have effectively shaped our dictatorial subconscious minds into believing that slavery is fun by believing that we aren’t slaves . The hard truth is that look what has happened? Aren’t most awaiting the government permission to go outside without a mask, breathe, and told to go about life. Can you see how absurd this thought process is? You are waiting for your authority, your Master, to tell you when to eat, poop and pee, to get permission to get closer than 6 feet to have sex or a romantic dinner, and to be told that it is okay to get a job or to run your business., The Cabal, like your parent, teacher, doctor, minister, elected officials, the President of any country, the very rich, have labels of supreme superiority which you have been taught to respect and bow down to. The Empire, however, is deathly afraid that their only control over us, fear, could be dissolved with truth, honesty, unconditional love, and the human spirit to fight for what is right. 

I say, get off your skinned knees, stand tall and strong, and press forward by living the life that you would most love to live. Know that love melts away any fear, ignorance, lies, hate and anger, and opening up the greatness of the Universe for you which ironically is already in you. I say, stand tall and do what a true free person can do, and leave behind your Slave costume for the Source did not intentionally place you here on Earth for your only rodeo on your knees eating what comes out the back end of a cow.