Becoming totally blind after two unexpected traumas, losing my house and savings, and nearly becoming homeless, I decided that this was an opportunity to live bigger and greater than I had as a dentist. I should be dead but I beat a bullet and the fugitive killer who pulled the trigger. This is the accurate story presented on, Scene Of The Crime, that tells the truth and what ignoring intuition can unleash.
Scene of the Crime: The Eyes of Evil
About The Author
Randall Nozawa
The course of my life was forever changed by two traumatic incidents that caused me to lose my vision. Forced to adapt, I soon discovered that I had the determination to reinvent myself and my life, not only for my benefit and survival, but to be able to help others. I now spend my time applying what I have learned to coach and teach others how to overcome adversity and to turn it directly into opportunity in every aspect of their life. I seek to empower the individual and build strength in the spirit for those who are ready to overcome their challenges and become the greatest version of themself.