Month: June 2020

The Dual Presidency

I am proud to announce my nomination to be your next Dual President of the United States of America.  Greetings everyone, I am Dr. Randall...

Are you a Karen?

I guess the name, Karen, on the Social medias means, entitled, arrogant, girl. Are you one? And how did this name get chosen and not,...

ACE 2, Bats not Cats, and YOU!

First, admit to yourself that this Corona show is a big hit and thanks to your winning performance, do take your encore bow clutching your...

Falsus in uno, Falsus in Omnibus

False in one thing, false in everything.  Misinformation and lies have been used to fool the public for sales and hefty profits of products that...

What is more deadly, E coli or Coronavirus?

Actual factual information clearly indicate that Coronavirus or the dreaded fear evoking, COVID-19, is the name of many varieties of the Corona microbe family, that...