SARS, C19, and Coronavirus
SARS, C19, and Coronavirus, shouldn’t be eliminated but rather welcomed. Most of you have been fooled, duped, deceived, and lied to about a family of...
The Sun Revolves Around The Earth (No, Really!)
The Sun revolves around the Earth because God made it such. Does this also mean that the Earth is flat as many contend? Think about...
Trulicity, Emgality, and Talz
Trulicity, Emgality, Talz, might, possibly, maybe, decrease symptoms, but will definitely kill you. All the clever and catchy names are drugs that are injectable and...
Getting off Prescription Drugs and all Medications Safely While Getting the Result that you Want
In the United States the third leading cause of death is what is called, Iatrogenic, or doctor caused. This includes misdiagnoses, using the wrong combinations...