Category: Biology

Socks, virus, and RBG.

Feel the flow for each experience is preceded by many your Soul went through but at the present unknown to you. Did you know that...


This article focuses on nutrition and Phytates, specifically Phytic Acid(PA). In 8888BCE Egyptians began Wheat cultivation or what was to become known as Agriculture to...

Superbugs evolve and will always win.

The twentieth Century saw the creation of Pharmaceutical based Western pill for an ill symptom treatment Medicine and Antibiotics. Initially a discovery that would save...

1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensation Act

Vaccines, injectable chemicals(microbes, surfactants, Adjuvants, heavy metals, GMO’s, and mutated pathogens), have been a small part of the trillion dollar Pharmaceutical industry but making headlines...

SARS, C19, and Coronavirus

SARS, C19, and Coronavirus, shouldn’t be eliminated but rather welcomed. Most of you have been fooled, duped, deceived, and lied to about a family of...